Monday, April 25, 2011

I have a wonderful poem to share!

My Struggle

They ask: How will you progress in life with yourself covered from head to toe?

I ask: How will I progress to the Other Life if I do not do so?

They ask: What is the use of all your education if you do not care to make a career?

I ask: What is the use of reading His Book if I am void of His fear?

They ask: Why do you insist on being backward in these enlightened times?

I ask: Why do you insist on being modern while being oblivious to all the avoidable crimes?

They ask: What happiness do you find in hiding your face?

I ask: What happiness do you find caught up in this rat race?

They ask: Why do you want to complicate your life further?

I ask: Why do you wish to humiliate yourself in the Life Hereafter?

They ask: How will you face everyone from behind a veil?

I ask: How will I face my Lord when I am judged and I fail?

They ask: What will you gain by this action?

I ask: What if I gain His Mercy, even if it’s a fraction?

Courtersy of "I Got it Covered"

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