Saturday, January 5, 2013

I really want to wear a scarf...but I'm too scared to start?


I wish I could erase all of my history and just wear a hijab. Everyone around me knows me as something else, something that isn't anywhere near a hijabi. The reason I don't want to wear it is because I care what others will think ..."this girl was wearing this yesterday...and now she decides to put on a hijab?" I just feel like I will be completed if I wear a hijab. Any advice?


Salaam Sis,
I remember when I first started wearing hijab. The first thing Shaytan tries to do is create excuses on reasons why you shouldn't wear hijab. I have friends who want to wear them and yet years have gone by and still they have not had the courage to wear it because they have given into the excuses suggested by Shaytan. 

These excuses are:

- only when I become really pious will I wear it
- what will others think of me
- (if you're working) my workmates won't accept me
- when Ramadan comes then I'll start
- I don't have enough modest clothes

and the list goes on and on...

Shaytan will always give you reasons why you are not ready enough to wear it. And I only needed one reason to wear it and that is, "I'm doing this for Allah. I'm following His commandment."

When I was having doubts about when to start and Shaytan would give excuses not to, I decided to imagine myself before Allah on Judgement day. And Allah asking me why I had not worn the Hijab knowing that He had commanded it in the Quran. Why even having that knowledge I still did not wear it.

I realised then that no excuse I would give is good enough to disobey Allah. "I was afraid what people would think" was not a good excuse. "I didn't have enough modest clothes" is not a good excuse. "I was waiting to be more pious" is not a good excuse. Hijab is a must, you don't have to be perfect to wear it, you just have to be Muslim.

Yahoo!Answers: Ramadan:;_ylt=AmoDTsVOExf24LIg4RxNi5zty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20120616141617AAPOb2m

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