I know a few Muslim girls wearing the headscarf (from uni) and they can open it and show their hair in front of girls. And every time i see them without one, i always think: they are far far far more beautiful without the headscarves! Don't they feel like taking it off and flaunt their beauty? And they look so different. Also, not to mention when it is hot! How can you guys handle the hot weather? When at home, those friends i know will make braids in their hair, wear cute hair clips, but as soon as they wanna go out they cover it all! What motivates you guys?? I mean when you look in the mirror you can tell you are beautiful without wearing the headscarf, and yet you have all the determination to put it on. Sorry if this is a stupid question. ( actually i just got back from a Muslim friend's house and i kept staring at her, she is so beautiful without the headscarf, much more beautiful than girls you see on the magazine, but when she wears it she looks.....different, i don't know, not beautiful? :/ )
Answers by Muslimahs:
Muslimah 1:
I used to think this as well- I wanted people to look at me and think 'wow she's pretty' and I enjoyed it when I found out a boy had a crush on me or thought I was cute. But recently I've learnt that these things really do not matter- when I'm old and wrinkly, will boys look at me and call me cute? Why should I rely on (for my happiness and satisfaction) something so shallow and so easily lost with age?
There are also other important aspects to hijab (apart from covering beauty). You tend to 'repel' racist and unintelligent people who you probably wouldn't want to associate with in the first place. You also feel united with your sisters in Islam. and people will watch the way you act and say 'this Muslim girl did so and so' -thus wearing hijab constantly reminds you to be of good character. Lastly (I don't think I covered all the importances of hijab but then this post would be too long!) it serves as 'dawah'- the 'spreading of Islam' as in curious people will ask questions and we can teach them about Islam (e.g. you), and maybe they will even end up reverting.
'Also, not to mention when it is hot! How can you guys handle the hot weather? '
When a Muslim loves Allah SWT so much he will makes sacrifices readily. For example in the month of Ramadan we fast from sunrise to sunset- of course this is painful, but Allah SWT rewards us in equal amounts to what we sacrifice (and sometimes even greater). Thus when a hijabi goes out on a hot day, you may think it is better for her to remove hijab, but in reality it is better for her to keep it on (she may experience heat, but she is also experiencing a reward in this life/in the Hereafter for her sacrifices and commitment to Islam. And really what is a little bit of sweat in relation to eternity in Paradise?)
And lastly, of course we do not look 'beautiful' with hijab! I forgot to mention this but in modern times hijab also serves against a rejection of today's 'fashion'- we do not feel the need to 'dress to impress', or be ashamed if we wear 'old fashioned' or 'ugly' clothing.
In summary, the hijab serves to force a person to judge you by your character rather than looks, amongst other things.
Muslimah 2:
Obeying Allah is what motivates me. It also makes me feel respected, not just cos the head scarf but dressing modestly head to toe. Some women wear it just to wear it I noticed, like as a 'fashion style' cos they still have makeup, tight clothes, heels, etc. When I first wore it I thought I would take it back off but I felt like I was pleasing Allah and like it kept me protected and many people showed respect, as for the ones that show disrespect it only makes me wanna keep it on more
Do I ever feel like I wanna take it off, honestly I do sometimes but I know that it's not the right thing to do and it's for my own good so I leave it on and Insha Allah I'll continue to wear it.
Muslimah 3:
We wear the headscarf because it shows our modesty.We don't go around showing our beauty to stranger men, but we show it to our husbands. The one who really deserves to see it.
Muslimah 4:
When I wear the headscarf it teaches me the importance of Character. People look at WHO YOU ARE rather than WHAT YOU LOOK LIKE.
I love this quote: "I cover my hair, not my brain."
There are some people in this world who get ahead by their beauty rather than their qualifications. Qualifications can not be taken from you but your beauty can.
We wear the headscarf because:
WE dress to impress NO MAN,
WE dress to impress Allah.
You mentioned how we can handle the hot weather. Cancer organizations educate the public to cover up when going in the sun. That wearing long sleeve shirts will keep you cool. Its actually cooler to be all covered up than to be exposed in the sun. Because when the sun's heat touches an exposed skin you feel the heat more than one that is covered.
My DETERMINATION to wear the headscarf comes from BELIEF and FAITH.
I love this quote by the boxer Muhammad Ali:
"...everything that God made valuable in the world is covered and hard to get to. Where do you find diamonds? Deep down in the ground, covered and protected. Where do you find pearls? Deep down at the bottom of the ocean, covered up and protected in a beautiful shell. Where do you find gold? Way down in the mine, covered over with layers and layers of rock. You've got to work hard to get to them.
Your body is sacred. You're far more precious than diamonds and pearls, and you should be covered too."
"Superheroes allows their capes to hang off their backs,
but our SUPERWOMEN choose to wrap them around their heads"
~Boona Muhammad
To conclude:
My headscarf has taught me:
I'm more Precious than diamonds,
I'm a Superhero,
It's my Character that's important &
And I dress to impress only Allah.
Yahoo!Answers, Ramadan:
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